Wednesday, January 3

Tuesday Day 2 Tidings of comfort and joy.

Day number 2 of what has changed? Revelations about a scary new missle that Putin can launch from anywhere and it can orbit the earth for ever until some commander orders it to despatch its nuclear lunch box.

I gleaned this from a frightened Méxican broadcasting on YouTube, so it must be true ...must be?

He seemed to be deep into his research, and authentic was his comportamiento...(I use Spanish words when the English escapes) .So be afraid from the sabre rattler from Moscow. 

Words of comfort and joy indeed.

Goodnight, sleep tight.

Monday, January 1

Pixies - Where Is My Mind | Fight Club Theme | Piano Cover

Se acabo las fiestas

 So, fiestas are over, but no dear readers for this is Spain thus the festival continues until at least the 6th of Jan....or 12th night .....for   you eeeeennnnggglllleeesh, when the children get their presents and its really Christmas once again, So soon? I hear you cry. 

Of course one big difference is the three kings arriving on camels Fred Olsen Ferry and postmen on scooters lobbing sweets to cheering children. Although this last mentioned practice was I believe played down a little when some small people were injured by chocolate missiles.   

Anyway dear readers on this the first day of 2024 lets hope for peace between the various warring factions...

Too much to ask?


some boys from Kilmarnock....


All was quiet on new years day


Sunday, December 31

End of year

 Only 72.50 a get onto Princess  Street in Edinburgh 

 What a rip-off 

What to write? ¿Qué para escribir?

 Approaching the end of another year where countries are bombing the life out of each other, 

So forgive my lack of understanding but why can`t the politicians do their job and meet and talk with meaningfull dialogue?

And stop the war (s) 

Acercándose al final de otro año en el que los países se están bombardeando unos a otros, Entonces, perdonen mi falta de comprensión, pero ¿por qué los políticos no pueden hacer su trabajo y reunirse y conversar en un diálogo significativo? Y detener la guerra (s)

Life after work with seven cats.

Any good books?  Seems to me every thing and everyone is centred around the poor areas of the Scottish capital, drugs the staple.   Trashy t...