Yo soy Innes de escocia….pero hace tiempo que vivo en Fuerteventura…islas canarias…cerca de Africa…y estoy estudiando tu idioma….
Was the rough introduction I used for the
alumnos in the San Luis institute, whom considered, me, this individual from the 1st world, like an extra terrestrial….. , well it had already been indicated by my Indian guide that I was telling people in near perfect Spanish that I hailed from Scotland…yet lived on a spec of dust off the African coast., which is so small, some maps appeared not to acknowledge its existence. At all.
Hence the quizzical expressions.
Maybe they thought I really was an extra terrestrial and was making up a story about a mythical scrap of volcanic terra firma, somewhere in the Atlantic.
At least, for the most part, they seemed interested, and polite enough to adjust their feathers into welcoming displays, and even peace pipes were offered, by some, pan pipes by others.
Apart from mentally converting peso/€/ peso, the biggest difficulty I encountered was with a Fuerteventura word, guagua. I thought it hailed from the Latinos however most people seemed to think it was a carrying pouch for an infant, or even a kindergarten. I should have stuck to auto bus, or as they like to call them, collectivos. A spaceman far,far from home and looking for small children? Well…you get the picture.
I can see those blue lights flashing, can you?
And talking of pictures, I lost most of mine, a sore point. There are times I really hate computers...
Strike any key when ready.