Friday, November 27


She wore a crushed countenance resembling damaged furniture, thanks in no little part to the removal of all adult front teeth which appeared fashionable at a certain period in time, …the concave facial look was expected, if perverse. But when the hacking cough gave way to a Liverpool accent, this Scot was none too surprised.

“X Factor on Saturday, cant miss that.” Cough cough….gob, light up.

Her wizened partner nodded appreciatively, but it was at female determination to arrive at destination Emphysema as quickly as possible, rather than any proposed weekend viewing schedule, which gained his admiration.




Meanwhile back at the supermercado, which I have always regarded more entertaining than Factor X or X Factor, or whatever; there is a large, and one time powerful man with his diminutive almost squeaky partner.

At the checkout, crouching to speak to the cashier, who could not have been much younger than him, he raises his voice and speaks to her as if she is a child.


She grins indulgently for the umpteenth time in a cashing career that has introduced her to new levels of boredom and tolerance.

Zzzzaannkyoooo meestir

Wednesday, November 25

Bus queues and dithering giggle …

Quite what the attraction was in the ATM inside the supermercado, who knows but a discussion was taking place between the unattractive tuetons whom boasted sunburn, bad teeth and body odour.

“Veeee no vot veeee arrr dooooing” the female of the duo offered in that curious guttural rattle which often accompanies the vocalising of Germans attempting English.

My impatience had become almost tangible. “So what are we / you / us waiting for?”

Who said Germans were efficient. Not these two, whom could have been on day release from a padded cell…near you!....

Vorsprung durch Technik…..not!

I thought living amongst majorero had slowed life pace to a mere saunter, but there are impatient moments, and the Scot was having a few..

A bus queue, any bus queue, in the estacion municipal de guaguas or outside the shopping centre, it matters not one hoot. The individual(s) whom are determined to climb aboard first don’t speak the lingo…don’t appear to know where they are going, nor are they familiar with euro currency. And for a reason which escapes the Scot, it all appears to induce giggling. I sometimes have to wait so long that any congelados begin to melt…

Along with patience ……..

Saturday, November 21

Communication by JPG

Metaphorically skipping between the moribund and the very alive…seemed the situation this anti-hero was in.

The news from that other island relayed declining numbers of erstwhile colleagues, or those whom had become the latest health casualty awaiting that by-pass surgeon and his scalpel of a thousand life saving cuts – Tales of discontent and bad weather.


A sun still shone on his adopted scrap of dust and rock…called Fuerteventura, and this week had offered contrasting fortunes in pictures….thus-

1) Great disappointment thanks to British red tape –

2) A mediocre entry to the annual Puerto Del Rosario image competition


3) Almost bizarrely his best photograph for some time ...a chance sepia image of batucada percussionists ………..old friends and new………

Communication by JPG.

Thursday, November 19

A Spaceman Came Travelling.....

Yo soy Innes de escocia….pero hace tiempo que vivo en Fuerteventura…islas canarias…cerca de Africa…y estoy estudiando tu idioma….

Was the rough introduction I used for the alumnos in the San Luis institute, whom considered, me, this individual from the 1st world, like an extra terrestrial….. , well it had already been indicated by my Indian guide that I was telling people in near perfect Spanish that I hailed from Scotland…yet lived on a spec of dust off the African coast., which is so small, some maps appeared not to acknowledge its existence. At all.

Hence the quizzical expressions.

Maybe they thought I really was an extra terrestrial and was making up a story about a mythical scrap of volcanic terra firma, somewhere in the Atlantic.

At least, for the most part, they seemed interested, and polite enough to adjust their feathers into welcoming displays, and even peace pipes were offered, by some, pan pipes by others.

Apart from mentally converting peso/€/ peso, the biggest difficulty I encountered was with a Fuerteventura word, guagua. I thought it hailed from the Latinos however most people seemed to think it was a carrying pouch for an infant, or even a kindergarten. I should have stuck to auto bus, or as they like to call them, collectivos. A spaceman far,far from home and looking for small children? Well…you get the picture.

I can see those blue lights flashing, can you?

And talking of pictures, I lost most of mine, a sore point. There are times I really hate computers...

Strike any key when ready.

Sunday, November 15

Puerto Del Rosario - In Winter

not to be missed

A conveyor of poor quality entertainers blackboard billed as “NOT TO BE MISSED” stood on the made up stage most nights belting out a selection of yesterdays karaoke to Brits and Irish whom, one presumed had their imagination removed at some earlier moment in time….now that should have had the label NOT TO BE MISSED.

Sadly, I did not enjoy the option of missing or otherwise, as my rented apartment sat virtually atop the noisy watering hole.

The only good news about this establishment is that its owners are losing money…according to a conversation overheard earlier….TIP - When chatting people huddle and lower their voices that’s when to tune in….if, that is, you can summon up the interest.
“Were not panicking!” which means they are …and feeding it from stretched pockets.

On one hand its good to see a locale open and thus generating life, but at the cost of unreasonable noise and morning after detritus?…cigarette packs, beer bottles, and even less savoury containers….exhibiting a lack of care or responsibility by those whom are running same.

Running something.

too late?

Thursday, November 12

Good Scot Bad Scot

Although a strong wind blew across the island, the November sky was cloudless with a clothing order of shorts (and little else) required…the Fuerteventura norm ….He would have remained at the poolside for longer but the plastic sun loungers were so very uncomfortable coupled of course with a flu which threatened to take over his life…”Its been around so long it should be paying rent.” Was the sardonic thought process meandering through a dull ache in his head.

Naturally, there was seldom poolside peace. The plague of flies always buzzed around him…human and insect …often difficult to discern, despite repellent sprays, lotions, and any other combative measure which could be dreamt up. The human version, only discernable as they were without wings, but equally repugnant, continually appeared, with a further distinguishing characteristic, a “HELP REQUIRED” logo writ large on larger bodies.

“How much is the bus to Corralejo?” Always pronounced incorrectly to “Where can I get a camel ride?”

This last question frightened the good Scot and amused the bad Scot, a grotesque and un-natural image jostling for position in a dilated minds eye.

But Christmas was fast approaching along with a new passport, likely to be his best and only gift with 10 more years of travel and adventure the prospect, perhaps an introduction to flies of a different size, hue, buzz even. The timbre and resonance of say Latin wings could well be different, perhaps there are reggaton flies…..? If the Dominican Republic proved to be the destination…could we expect a bachata buzz?

Looking through the departure neon of airports and the exotic far flung destinations offered, he often wondered why people did not take more advantage of adventure, opting instead for a safer package all inclusive - vacuumed off the plane, onto the bus and straight to an all inclusive fortnight where a day glow wristband bought all the blandness required, unless of course they were foolhardy enough to actually want to explore the alien streets and discover that life was not so very different from Liverpool, Llandudno or Largs. It was simply lived in a more pleasant climate, with a different language….

Oh sorry, yes sorrrreeeeeeee, you thought everyone spoke English…of course yes…they do…apart from those who don’t. That’s Spain for you, just wont play the English speaking game…..

Hold that thought.

between distants....

Wednesday, November 11

What’s Your Name Again?

Although in many quarters it appears not replying to email messages appears to be the norm, good manners preclude me from joining this unhappily impolite band, so this is an open email, the addressees will know who they are.

Since my return from Latin America I have been the victim of flu bug and have not been doing a great deal apart from appraising my position here on this little island. which has been my home for almost three years.

I find things do not improve.

Whether it’s the expensive and poor quality internet service provider or just the basic greed of many.

For some time I had considered that the not so well off were entitled to grab what they could in order to survive but more recently I have seen with first hand disappointment the machinations of the multi house brigade, whom, if anything, have an appetite for the € which is more voracious.

Greedy? I am not, and indeed struggle to equate quality product with payment…I take pictures and I write and although fiscal reimbursement is not high on my list of priorities I now discover that individuals…are adding the continuing financial crisis to their list of excuses with which to justify withholding payment for work submitted and invariably published.


“We will credit you in the usual way, what’s your name again?

Tuesday, November 10

colour and movement

The Land Of Kisses . La Republica Argentina

It was a delinquent moon which challenged the lazy dawn to rise and shine over my rented seat on the Iberia Airbus, as we floated over Brazil and Paraguay before turning left, to fly south , ever south, toward La Republica Argentina and destination Buenos Aires. As if bidding Latin America good morning, the giant jets feathered vapour trails stroked the shapes of paper mache landscape and toy traffic scuttling toward destination unknown - unknown to us ...or them?

Sunday, November 8


Better think awhile,
or I may never think again.
If this were the last day of your life my friend
Tell me, what do you think you would do then?

Gracias a Genesis

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...