Monday, December 28

A Yuletide Review

All shapes and sizes of worry in the shopping centre called excess as Noche Buena people rush for that last minute regalito....

My second favourite pastime (after waiting for the ever elusive guagua) - people watching., curious yet very entertaining., and no better place than a multi story Aladdin’s Cave called Rotondas. One of only two Capital destinations where that rare breed the tourist is to be found.

And it’s the lumbering giant variety who have broken cover, exhibiting a worrying correlation between obesity and bulldog tattoos.

Also at this time sees the annual and only shopping foray by that even more endangered species, the male shopper. Looking mystified, trance travelling around the various floors, gaudy shops like baubles as if newly discovered.

It does, however, make me wonder about crisis, if indeed it exists amongst us and those such as us , or are we simply the fortunate few?

Seasons Greetings.

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