Monday, December 19

Winter has arrived in Fuerteventura…a paltry 24 and sunny on Playa Blanca in mid December is making this ageing Scot shiver his timbers and other extremities.

Of course if we were to journey north to the place I once called home the frozen state of affairs in that lugar  would freeze more than just extremeties.

But thanks to the God of Sun (is there one?) I live on Fuerteventura…for me almost five years and the time has flown almost quite literally. I still expect to be woken from the dream which my life has become…to be slung back to Scotland searching out that extra layer of woollies or waterproof which never were quite watertight……..

Now I can vote, have been to see the hacienda, and continue improving my now not so mechanical Spanish. Enjoying my sports photography with the local football people whom look after me well, with transport, food, and even sometimes pay…!

So happy Christmas and all the best for New Year to amigos old and new….with a special though for Tina and former colleague in London who is not feeling so good right now…chin up missus….

Feliz Navidad y deseo lo mejor para 2012……………


Saturday, December 17

its always darkest ...............before the dawn

For reasons best known to the blogger people things have changed here in Blogland....making it more difficult to upload media....old dog and new tricks comes to mind but why ...if its not broken please not fix it.......
a blog abandoned? after nearly 5 years Facebook seems to have taken over my media communication life...well dear follower this must change.............

Friday, December 2

Te confiezo que yo anoche tuve sueños mojados y eras tu y yo desperte sin ti a mi lado tu no sabes cuantas veces yo te he deseado aqui en mi cama,pero hoy te llamo para desirte que Entregate un poco mas quiero sentir mi cuerpo con tu cuerpo,si no te tengo me desenfoco y me vuelvo loco entregate un poco mas quiero sentir mi cuerpo con tu cuerpo,si no te tengo me desenfoco y me vuelvo loco

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...