Sunday, March 29

the first day of summer

ya estamos en el primer día del verano..¿Cómo podemos disfruta mientras estamos en LOCKDOWN?  Pues, tenemos que pensar en lo que tenemos y valorar.  

Saturday, March 28


Lo que yo propongo es Un Blog en Spanglish, es decir una mezcla de mi lengua materna y el castellano , el idioma que intento aprender con poco éxito  ¿qué os parecéis? Añadir una foto de vez en cuando, no solo deportes pero la naturaleza, arquitectura un poco de todo...y claro, una historia a veces..enlaces de interés etc..Pues vamonos...
So here we are again........resurrecting the favour of FACEBOOK ...TWITTER ...INSTAGRAM ET AL ..I want to explore the possibilities of technology my sports pictures my writing...constructive suggestions are welcome...In the meantime I bid you ,,,,bienvenido.....

Wednesday, November 6

Tuesday, November 5

Monday, January 28

Not much to say in this which must be considered the autumn of  a Scottish life. The Canary Islands have I suspect made me a rather indolent individual, although I do some voluntary work with local radio stations and printed /digital press in the world of local football. Nothing glamorous just good old fashioned semi-pro …(the sport and my attempts at journalism)

So where to now must be the question? Happy enough with my lot...not really looking for anything more...well improvement in my level of Spanish..and perfection in my sports photography, something that will never be attained….as long as I have a pulse.

And that is it dear readers...not much to add for the moment as I resurrect A PLACE FOR INNES..breaking free from the shackless of more well known social   or should that be anti social media.

Talk again soon.  

Life after work with seven cats.

Any good books?  Seems to me every thing and everyone is centred around the poor areas of the Scottish capital, drugs the staple.   Trashy t...