Lo que yo propongo es Un Blog en Spanglish, es decir una mezcla de mi lengua materna y el castellano , el idioma que intento aprender con poco éxito ¿qué os parecéis? Añadir una foto de vez en cuando, no solo deportes pero la naturaleza, arquitectura un poco de todo...y claro, una historia a veces..enlaces de interés etc..Pues vamonos...
El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
Saturday, March 28
Inapropriate Content
Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...
Was that delusion peeking round the corner of life…? it was her fingernails I noticed first, that luminous give away which she (yes she!) h...
Fear. The queue was casual at a bus stop where I seem to spend a lot of time, and the girl in front of me was nothing unusual save for the f...
Tried to copy a link to a nice wee video with First Minister Nicola going on about social distancing etc meanwhile in the Mount Florida ar...