Sunday, May 17

the harm of reality

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Consider the value of silence
with only sounds of the countryside
floating around your ears

a dog barks here
a cat mews there

cows and sheep contribute

a ducks quack is factored in

wolves whistle

thinking about value of near silence,
cotton wool consistency ,

protecting from the harm of reality.

Flag CounterThere was no taxi to be found. only flashing blue lights of law enforcement decorating an otherwise grey dawn. Thus a long walk to the horizon awaited, getting back to his miserable appartment, don his alter ego and prepare for the waiting day.
Passing pidgeons, a curios fox and an early morning street cleaner considered the shamboling individual, but only for a moment, before collective interest evapourated like hot breath in the freezing air.
Coffee ...was a priority, and sleep, both out of reach, now and until he at least touched base, reported in, and collected.
Collect, thats what it had come to.


Saturday, May 16


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The subtext of conversation hovered just above the smoke, adding to an aroma of perspiration, perfume and preoccupation, that gentle ache asking forgiveness.

It was late, or early dependant upon your personal time zone, time to make a move, if indeed there were any moves left.

Stepping out from the bar onto the dank pavement, the cold asked questions...the neons flashed their answers.

A street littered with detritus and tired temptation.



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The time on my hands
can weigh heavy

opportunity to consider

and victories

a continuum

Wednesday, May 13


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A day of mixed thoughts...Wednesday 13 May and still the COVD 19 fills the news pages and TV channels. Of course such a pandemic is food and drink to the purveyors of especially bad news such as this, with the politicians looking for new escape routes, and how to introduce new untruths to their various electorates. 

For the most part we succumb to the propoganda, wringing our sanitized gloved hands in convenient despair.

This global catastrophy will go on for some time, and may never be completely eradicated.

Will we learn any lessons? I fear not. 
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Having travelled the Americas
and more

 visited realities not offered by any package deal
 first second and indeed
 third world

 a ringside seat at happy and hunger

 politicians and their platitudes

 but she´s a lawyer
 I hear you say
one more reason
 to step further away.

Life after work with seven cats.

Any good books?  Seems to me every thing and everyone is centred around the poor areas of the Scottish capital, drugs the staple.   Trashy t...