Wednesday, December 2

Cobbled Forgiveness


A shiny malevolence smiles up from the cobbled streets of La Palma,

beeseching tourism to return, while those whom offer care, struggle in the 

shadows of morality, and mortality.

wealth versus health.

And the winner is…..?

Monday, November 23

Monday 23 November 2020 - In English.

 So tonight I will write in English, before I forget how to write in anything. 

We had forgotten about the virus, preoccupied by the stupid election, the stupid Trump and his strange followers. His lawyer is on a retainer of 20,000 dollares per day.

For real.

Trump still thins he is president, and plays golf as CNN report 1,000 American lose their personal fight against COVD19, every day.

For real.

The election was 20 days ago.

America, what is wrong with you?

Thursday, November 19

fake and fraud


Another Thursday rolls past and yet Trump has not left the building. Hiding behind a lawyer whom asks for and I presume gets, 20,000 dollars U.S per day.

And still we are told sleepy Joe can take control in January, regardless of Trump´s manoeuvres, so whats the problem? The virus is one big problem, and getting worse. Over 250,000 souls lost in the USA, with other countries reporting new waves to use one of the increased vocabulary.

We also have spike. And lockdown.

Trump uses fake and fraud, when hunger and fear should be the issues adressed, the words used.

Oh, can I add despot? As he no longer listenes, to anyone, but then did he ever?

We can only hope things improve, as hope is all that remains.

I heard things could get much worse, before impovement appears moist with effort, smiling with victory.

Wednesday, November 18

The bandwagon of BS.


The bandwagon of bull shit rolls on around an electorate whom, sad to say, know very little of the truth. The only way to discover the truth is to go look for your self.

People in the red top world believe what the red tops tell them, well those whom are literate, and the broad sheets simply peddle articulate untruths.

Or half truths.

On a good day.

There are not many good days.

These days.

Stay safe if you can.

Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...