The sky was the colour of
porridge, looking up from Calle Real, clouds harbouring their next
deludge, with which to dampen our enthusiam for , well, just about
was an unhappy individual with damp, cold, feet slipping on the damp,
cold, cobbled street, wondering about a pending dental bill, and
further, if people whom did not have some surplus wealth secreted
away for such contingencies, did they simply go without what was, in
reality, a necessary health treatment? I remember a moment in time
where simply to go to a dentist was to lose your teeth, all of them,
a sort of dental euthanasia.
now we enjoy life
in a
modern age, where cash
is king, and I actually
had a dentist with a cash register of sorts in her surgery, totting
up as she drilled and filled. Determined, apparently, to save what
she could, well at least until the bell rang for the next round of
blood and saliva.
compared to the current nightmare problems, health and otherwise,
around our small girating planet, I have no problems. And try I do,
every day, to remember just that.
our current political leaders seem only interested in themselves.
Boris Broadcasting Corporation is in being entertained in Brrussels,
trying to reach an accord on the Brexit debacle, a political process
that was started to halt immigration into the UK, although many will
deny that truth. How much has it cost, and will continue to cost? Did
you see Boris in his luxury limo at both ends of his personal carbon
footprint, destination the low countries. I wonder how many members
of his team are in his exalted company, top hotels, etc. Can you
imagine this latest summit being held in budget accomodation? Bed and
breakfast Boris?
wait, that will be accounted for in a seperate budget. Of course,
silly me, not just another junket. Clearly. The thought of our
leaders abusing their position of power, unthinkable. Clearly
I type no deal has been reached, another few days for Boris to get
out of babysitting duties, or does he babysit his party as well?