Thursday, May 28

b movie a continuación

Flag Counter

So give me a clue

The clue is in the challenge...the voice best described as dark brown, came from the more diminutive figure. Within the money you will find instructions, or rather, clues. Someone has our property and you will get it back for us. Understood? We are told you are the best, although you look like old news to me.

Tempted to enter into a slanging exchange only stopped when he was reminded of the profit he was holding…

Ok ...Im on it, we will be in touch...good day.

With that the two about turned and clumped out of the office and into the rapidly arriving day…..

Amongs the crushed currency in his hand he found a buff coloured envelope, dog eared, decorated with smudged postmarks and many stamps from, it seemed, another epoch...nothing this was the clue? The instruction?

To be continued.. .

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Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...