Tuesday, March 23

Español con errores, a continuación


Español con errores, a continuación.

El domingo no estaba al derbi palmero, me fue a Mirca pero no me encontraba bien y por eso regreso a la casa.

Una pena (por mi) Pero créanme, siempre estoy trabajando para entender mejor el mundo de la fotografiá deportista y por lo tanto sacar las mejores imágenes. ¿Quiero ser el mejor? No, solo busco credibilidad con lo que hago, soy perfeccionador. Fotos nítidas, enfoque, con saturación de color correcto es lo que busco.


Todavía no he logrado.

A veces pienso es otro tipo de enfermedad.

Soy el escocés errante, nos vemos en cualquier campo pronto.

Boris and friends celebrate the anniversary of a virus.

Promised myself and you guys that I would desist the political commentary, and that I will attempt to adhere to. But not yet.

However Boris and friends are peddling their rhetoric with a daily news / press conference for the ears of their adoring suplicants.

Yet Germany is worried about a third wave, blaming a British variant.  

From this disaster to another in India, a raging fire in a refugee camp. God bless them, too late really even for even him (or her), 45,000 people displaced, many not for the first time.  

Then a shooting in America, an armed lunatic in a shopping mall in Colorado. Ten people dead? Can you imagine, going to your local shopping centre and never coming home? Who do we thank for the lack of  gun laws...a total of 18 innocent by-standers dead. Mr Trump maybe?

Apart from floods in New South Wales, Australia, 18,000 people had to leave their homes, everything is just great.


Monday, March 22

A Place For Innes?

 Well I appear to have survived day one without FACEBOOK. And someone even noticed, thankyou nursie. Also a remarkable find, well remarkable for me, I wrote a post for my Facebook page yesterday in my adopted language of Spanish, and people in England can read it in their native lingo, without using any type of machine translator, quite something.

So I will continue for now, some in this tongue, and also my stumbling castellano....hope you enjoy. And remember to get in touch as you wish, If you wish ...I hope you wish.  

Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...