Sunday, February 6

 empate dos en mazo
                               y tres puntos de oro en santa cruz 

Saturday, February 5


 The resurrection of A PLACE FOR INNES continues apace. Flag counter running thank you cousin Anne in Oz for that, you are a wizard !!! So, after that embarrassing attempt at humor I shall prepare my camera gear for the weekend football...some pictures will of course appear here in due course.  

the weekend is here

 Not that it makes much difference, as days melt into each other. A couple of football matches seeking the best images of the action and of course some radio talk just to make life a little more complicated. Would really like to get involved a little more in radio, however, have to improve my understanding of the world wide web... follow me on here if you so desire ...

Friday, February 4

stopping time.

 Eyesight going the same way as everything else, need to write in large font. Not good.

But cannot stop time. If you know someone who can get in touch. 


So today I spent a good few hours re-introducing myself to blogger, but like the advancing summers, can´t stop techy. Wish I could. 

Not just posting babble like this or photos but investigating the possibilities of code, attempting to attract visitors, not for finance just education, 

Thus here we are another fairly dull post, but will push on.

Meantime try to enjoy!!  


Just when you think the page has been closed down properly, I find it has been lying open since 16th January...well that's not very interesting is it?

So I will have to check it´s closed properly or anyone could post, and that has implications, you wouldn't even need to hack the page. 

Anyway, It`s time to do some work on here and my other online pages, some auto education before technology passes me by completely.

And believe me, it´s passing at speed. Do I want Windows 11, or not? Only an example of my techy fears...

But first I must be sure to close this blog completely between sessions. 

Like I said oops!!!!