Monday, February 7

 Un redactor de una revista deportista me dijo, quiero movimiento (acción)  esfuerzo nitidez caras (no espaldas) Y LA PELOTA. SIN PELOTA NO ES FÚTBOL. ¿Qué opinas?

 La selección de C D Mensajero día 6 de febrero 2022


 La Rosa. Temporada 21/22

Sunday, February 6

felicidades mister.... 

 empate dos en mazo
                               y tres puntos de oro en santa cruz 

Saturday, February 5


 The resurrection of A PLACE FOR INNES continues apace. Flag counter running thank you cousin Anne in Oz for that, you are a wizard !!! So, after that embarrassing attempt at humor I shall prepare my camera gear for the weekend football...some pictures will of course appear here in due course.  

the weekend is here

 Not that it makes much difference, as days melt into each other. A couple of football matches seeking the best images of the action and of course some radio talk just to make life a little more complicated. Would really like to get involved a little more in radio, however, have to improve my understanding of the world wide web... follow me on here if you so desire ...

Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...