El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
Friday, December 8
AI Taking over?
The system was telling me to create a new post is this AI taking over already?
Nothing to write about up here in the safety of the mountains...well apart from the weather . Can you believe it? hot and sunny , not just warm but hot that I had to evacuate from my nook.Just struggling with techy things, even this blog which I have resurrected and re - educating myself. a computer thing that I was using before FACEBOOK arrived...
Its a struggle I dont intend to lose
wiinter has returned
But wait, no summer is back, if a little breezy. From my safe mountain hideout I can see the white horses of the atlantic ocean sweeping too and fro, in and out awaiting perhaps the command of Neptune.
With December, comes Christmas although I still remember my first Christmas in these islands. After day 25 the celebrations continued with expectant faces of children still delivering mail to Father Christmas in box, this time a little more digital.
It was only in the next few days I learned the that the Spanish Christmas is in fact 6 January, the British 12 th night where we Brits dispense with the festivities for another year.
Another cultural lesson learned
Thursday, November 30
Found this site when wandering around the web ....
People Watching
A bit creepy?, simply waiting the return of the shopping machine who appears to be my life partner. My suggestion about window shopping has again, fallen on cloth ears.
It feels like a Tuesday and yes as if by clockwork there is what appears to be, a delivery of English, the boat has literaly come in albeit temporarily . With the singed skins and straw hats they appear to have brought own language, and are currently locked in discussion exactly which time line they presently inhabit.
It was mid day exactly 12 noon.
- Ma phone ses toooo or is that one, dunno we in spayn no? Ah fink we en spayn ma fon says it -
I felt strangely sad, almost guilty.
Meanwhike across the square another couple younger, brown suggesting they were more acustomed to the sun played with their two young children, although a distance between the adults suggested a matrimonial difficulty.
The air between them was heavy, tangible sensation.
Another pair of visitors, portly and pink bemoaning the monster of
imminent privateisation.
– The just can do it, all those jobs – moaned the rotund gent- Dont
worry, well
have a meeting after the holidays.
Everyone has difficulty
Wednesday, November 29
the slippery slope of defeat
A country littered and limited by lies from political liars, a once great nation now comprised of individuals whom are supposed to lead and protect the masses.
Instead we have out of touch millionaires, sorry make that billionaires, dealing business with Russian empresarios, supposed enemies until the dollar is involved and our leaders become friends.
This forgotten apostrophe
the slippery slope of defeat
Saturday, November 25
Virus Alert
why do individuals do it? I should of course have known better when I received a message at silly oclock in the morning as I thought I would be the only person fiddling with the keyboard. So people be aware of any strange unwanted wemail in your inbox or messenger .
Although it was supposed to be a conversation…it appeared to be dual…parallel …we were talking at each other about different things…And payi...
Was that delusion peeking round the corner of life…? it was her fingernails I noticed first, that luminous give away which she (yes she!) h...
The sun really is beating down on my island paradise, bringing out the fruit flies…...and time for a little reflection, a little more cathar...