Tuesday, March 13

Trying to keep up………………The MAÑANA project.

The sun really is beating down on my island paradise, bringing out the fruit flies…...and time for a little reflection, a little more catharsis.

Dear me, looking back? Never….for all you doubters in London ….I won’t return, in fact the only place you will find me will be here…(and then, only if you want to)…do you want?

Today is the first time I have really considered my working life and the signalling centre….which effectively was my life. It was sparked off by an email from a friend…..and yes you were the only good thing about working through the day….you know who you are.

But Clare will always be numero uno….the long distance love is strange, stranger still I think it suits us both. She saved me, or did we save each other? Es una pregunta….pero yo no tengo la respuesta, quizas los angeles la tienen?.

Of course I was helped more than a little along the way….take a bow Mr Wapshott, I will never forget you. And then there was Richard Morant……..a real gent who did not get the respect he deserved.

There are of course others….too many to mention? That is another question for the angels….or maybe Saint Peter….do you think he will let me in? On a day which I know is coming ever closer, but this is Spain….thus it won’t be today, however quite possibly mañana..

Yes Mother Victoria, I did love you, but you no longer loved me back…….it was an emotion that had become unrequited.

And I need to be loved.

Thank you Clare.


1 comment:

  1. I think you have better things to do. Check out my blog to find out. Peace.


Inapropriate Content

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