Tuesday, December 12



A few years ago in London Victoria

Panel 1 in Victoria Signalling Centre controlling the Brighton side, platforms 9 to 18 as I recall. Being replaced as I type... thanx for the memory.

Sunday, December 10

derrota en casa

Ahora tengo tantos problemas con un virus por eso tengo que abandonar Facebook and Messenger. photos del los partidos etc puedes ver aqui , y también voy a enviar algunas por email cuando tengo la info. Disculpen las molestias.  


Friday, December 8

Wintertime in La Palma


AI Taking over?

 The system was telling me to create a new post is this AI taking over already?  

Nothing to write about up here in the safety of the mountains...well apart from the weather . Can you believe it?  hot and sunny , not just warm but hot that I had to evacuate from my nook.Just struggling with techy things, even this blog which I have resurrected and re - educating myself. a computer thing that I was using before FACEBOOK arrived...

Its a struggle I dont intend to lose

wiinter has returned

 But wait, no summer is back, if a little breezy. From my safe mountain hideout I can see the white horses of the atlantic ocean sweeping too and fro, in and out awaiting perhaps the command of Neptune.

With December, comes Christmas although I still remember my first Christmas in these islands. After day 25 the celebrations continued with expectant faces of children still delivering mail to Father Christmas in box, this time a little more digital. 

It was only in the next few days I learned the that the Spanish Christmas is in fact 6 January, the British 12 th night where we Brits dispense with the festivities for another year. 

Another cultural lesson learned