El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
Tuesday, December 12
A few years ago in London Victoria
Panel 1 in Victoria Signalling Centre controlling the Brighton side, platforms 9 to 18 as I recall. Being replaced as I type... thanx for the memory.
Monday, December 11
Sunday, December 10
derrota en casa
Friday, December 8
AI Taking over?
The system was telling me to create a new post is this AI taking over already?
Nothing to write about up here in the safety of the mountains...well apart from the weather . Can you believe it? hot and sunny , not just warm but hot that I had to evacuate from my nook.Just struggling with techy things, even this blog which I have resurrected and re - educating myself. a computer thing that I was using before FACEBOOK arrived...
Its a struggle I dont intend to lose
wiinter has returned
But wait, no summer is back, if a little breezy. From my safe mountain hideout I can see the white horses of the atlantic ocean sweeping too and fro, in and out awaiting perhaps the command of Neptune.
With December, comes Christmas although I still remember my first Christmas in these islands. After day 25 the celebrations continued with expectant faces of children still delivering mail to Father Christmas in box, this time a little more digital.
It was only in the next few days I learned the that the Spanish Christmas is in fact 6 January, the British 12 th night where we Brits dispense with the festivities for another year.
Another cultural lesson learned
Although it was supposed to be a conversation…it appeared to be dual…parallel …we were talking at each other about different things…And payi...
Was that delusion peeking round the corner of life…? it was her fingernails I noticed first, that luminous give away which she (yes she!) h...
The sun really is beating down on my island paradise, bringing out the fruit flies…...and time for a little reflection, a little more cathar...