Monday, January 22

Dia 21

 We have reached day 21 already with few expectations, but...I know (there is always a but)  If you are one of the few whom look at my blog, I have a flag counter which illustrates my visitors. And I have someone from Russia!!!! Could it be Putin, can someone give me a gun?

To be fair I used flag counter before I abandoned Blogger and moved to Facebook, a move which I sort of regret. 

Whatever, moving on.

Embarking on a new project in radio. which with techy changing on a daily basis may come to nothing. Someone asked me the other day was I still looking for new music? In truth, here on La Palma I´ve been doing little, and the time just flies. Maybe its living in almost solitude or simply an island where the preferred pastime is hill walking.

Who knows. But just recently when I was having such a moment of doubt and pain a little voice told me to keep going with the radio and who knows? I collaborate with a Gran Canaria based station when Mensajero play at home, yes indeed most Sundays from 12 moon. Radio Juventud. In Spanish of course and small teeams but a bit of fun and it keeps the mind going.

Anyway lovely readers thats enough babble, if you read this and have an idea for a radio show or even a name for the station, leave a message.

Or don´t bother.


Saturday, January 20

Day 20

Day 20 of  2024....and as already alured to, nothing has changed. 

Countries are still bombing each other while sharp suited politicians seek solutions by dialogue. Endless meetings costing how much?

Another former big (ish) player, the First Minister of Scotland, has been caught out with a collection of lies involving her toothless Scottish Parliament. 

God bless Whatsupp. 

Nothing has changed.

Inaprpriate Content number 2

Well, here we go. How can I defend myself if I what the crime is? Inapropriate what exactly? My FB account was compromised a year ago, now I...