Friday, January 26

Large Letters & new computers

Still typing in large script... with a background colour of yellow? It seems to have rectified itself....So looking around for people whom have left or perhaps passed on...The only things sure in life are death and taxes...

On a lighter note, new computer today, extravegant? I may have a shilling left to my name and before some politician gets a hold of it...better for me n my continuing journey through the world of tech an AI...Have a good Friday fellow Bloggers....

Thursday, January 25


 朱桂芳 or in English Chu Kwei Fond

was a friend of mine when I lived and worked in Edinburgh, many , many years ago. i think she is probably in her native Hong Kong, and as such will be almost impossible to find.

So why am I looking for her?  No reason realy just looking up people  I have met  along the way of a life which now finds me in the Spanish Canary Islands.

Have you remained in Scotland? or are you far, far away?

Wednesday, January 24


Spending money....

Thats what its there for right?  Arranging funeral insurance. Oh I´m not dead yet, just trying to be responsible, or is it a waste of money? Not cheap either, however its done. 

On a much lighter note, some new computer equipment is on its way, my little office is now a studio, just have to learn how to use it.

Opinions in the usual place if you please. 


Tuesday, January 23

Las Brisas

A wee bit windy today but sunny and warm, quite remarkable when I see the damage and destruction caused by various storms sweeping around our twirling globe, and yet it always seems to avoid mem clearly the sun is shining on the righteous.  

Inaprpriate Content number 2

Well, here we go. How can I defend myself if I what the crime is? Inapropriate what exactly? My FB account was compromised a year ago, now I...