El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
Monday, February 5
Sunday, February 4
A couple of photos
A couple of photos from the continuing football journey to nowhere.
Although I must confess to feeling a little pride when I become recognized in the street, ¡Hey Escocés!😊
Seldom do I know whom they are which I fear becomes border line rudeness, thus I must feign recognition.
No one believes me when I relate my shy days are waiting round the corner, especially when I must conduct any gambit opening or otherwise in an idiom still quite foreign to these Scottish ears.
Nonetheless, still here 17 or so years on as time seems to have reached warp speed.
With a couple of photos and a journey to nowhere.
Friday, February 2
3.49 am
Yes indeed 3.49 am, And I am awake. An age thing? Maybe I should forgoe the afternoon siesta? The extra cup of Nescafe?
The feline community dont seem to mind, in fact they encourage nightime snacks, but of course.
So I take the opportunity to struggle with information tech, even here on this blog there are many tools which I have yet to use.
So if anyone can help? Meantime the clock on the wall says it is now 4. 14 am,,,,and counting,
Thursday, February 1
the still of the countryside
Sitting in the still of the countryside, its late or early if you prefer. No karaoke just occasional hoot from resident owls on their night duty.
The sun has melted into the mountains, Sublime is one description,
A late afternoon on the terrace with a bad short story that some publisher has foolishly requested I review,
My usual recompense is a gracias and little else. Or just a keep the book. but wait, a more tangible reward, can it be? a stray euro or two?
When I see the obscene ammounts media people are paid my concience. which used to trap me in guilt, is clear.
So keep the books coming, and let me continue to enjoy the still of the countryside.
Wednesday, January 31
Tuesday, January 30
Let them eat cake?
Kay Burley Salary: £500,000
Kay Burley is a broadcaster and writer and is currently a presenter on Sky News, earning £500,0006. She started her career in local radio before joining TV-am in 1985 as a newsreader and presenter. Kay moved to Sky News when it started in 1988 and hosts Kay Burley @Breakfast on the news channel and she was one of the early contestants of Dancing on Ice. Ms Burley was on her news programme this morning with another talking suit about rail strikes,,,,She is of the opinion that 65, 000 (I think that was the figure cuoted) is a good living wage. Well she would on her 500,000 ...
Inaprpriate Content number 2
Well, here we go. How can I defend myself if I what the crime is? Inapropriate what exactly? My FB account was compromised a year ago, now I...
Was that delusion peeking round the corner of life…? it was her fingernails I noticed first, that luminous give away which she (yes she!) h...
Fear. The queue was casual at a bus stop where I seem to spend a lot of time, and the girl in front of me was nothing unusual save for the f...
Tried to copy a link to a nice wee video with First Minister Nicola going on about social distancing etc meanwhile in the Mount Florida ar...