Tuesday, October 19


Another day in paradise.


It usually is, but at the moment cannot really say that, sadly. The natural phenomenon damaging social and physical infrastructure, taking with it, lives.

The king has visited, as have the political leaders and promises of fiscal help, goodness knows the people need it.


Saturday, October 16

Government Promises.

 Well, that was Saturday.

The volcano still spitting out its anger as we watch impotently. I´m concerned it is becoming entertainment for the chattering class, watching from the comfortable world of leather sofas and flat screens.

But it may be slowing down, as we enter week 4, or is that 5, let us hope the brakes are on this disaster. Now the government must move in armed with its promises, hoping as I do that our political leaders will actually honour such promises.

Thursday, October 14

better write something

 Better write summat or the powers will shut my blog down, won´t they?

It´s just that apart from fire mountain, nothing is happening here on the beautiful, if slightly singed island.

I best not joke about what is, after all, a natural disaster, where some of this island´s population have literally lost everything.

The lava continues to flow, a glowing river toward the Atlantic ocean, and on cooling simply solidifies, becoming a "new" part of the archipelago, When will it end, that is the question, and for that matter why did it start?

Will it repeat in the next 50 years?

Lots of questions, not many answers.


Friday, October 1

¿Hemos remontado lo peor?

 Have we overcome the worst?  I really do not know, but if the worst is over we, in Tigalate have been lucky again. The pandemia, the forest fire, and now a volcano.

Those whom have lost their homes, livelihoods, I just hope the government come good with their promises of help, and I wonder how quickly this can happen.

Please make it soon.


Wednesday, September 29

and so it continues

Day ten I think, and was optomistic that the volcano was slowing down, or at least slowing, and after some thirty-six hours of the media talking about it, the lava flow hit the sea. The outcome did not seem to be as bad as I had expected, but that will be of little solace to the residents whom have lost everything. 

The ash gets everywhere, did I say that already? have wrapped my camera gear in cling film protection, I wonder if the others whom fiddle with cameras have considered such protection?

Anyway, to steal the lyric from a song I can barely remember, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

Tuesday, September 28

it wont happen in england

All the news is bad news. I did´nt know why there was such a problem in ENGLAND with delivery of petrol. What was the cause? Evidently it is BREXIT. 

Although the focus appears to be fuel and delivery to supermarkets, the problem is a shortage of drivers, whom now need VISAS to work in ENGLAND, thus have returned to their own countries. 

Boris Johnson, (and friends) what have you done?