Sunday, December 31

End of year

 Only 72.50 a get onto Princess  Street in Edinburgh 

 What a rip-off 

What to write? ¿Qué para escribir?

 Approaching the end of another year where countries are bombing the life out of each other, 

So forgive my lack of understanding but why can`t the politicians do their job and meet and talk with meaningfull dialogue?

And stop the war (s) 

Acercándose al final de otro año en el que los países se están bombardeando unos a otros, Entonces, perdonen mi falta de comprensión, pero ¿por qué los políticos no pueden hacer su trabajo y reunirse y conversar en un diálogo significativo? Y detener la guerra (s)

Wednesday, December 27

The Day After Yesterday

So we stumble through the wreckage of what was Christmas and consider as usual the stereotype image of Scotland and its population. Bagpipes, kilts and whisky are the usual, but why Scotland? Watching a trailer for bringing in the bells some researching told me that the protagonists although Scottish all live in London. And the trailer? goodness knows where it was recorded.

But Im just being cynical, this time next week all will be back to normal, people killing each other for what? I always remember the lyric of a Genesis song,,,,50,000 men were sent to do the will of one..

Happy new year to all my readers.  . 


Tuesday, December 26

And so.....that was Christmas.

 And so that was Christmas, well not exactly if you live in Spain. The real Spanish celebration is The Three Kings, in Britain it is  Twelfth Night, so the kids go mad for another week.

I have to confess it confused me initially, when the TV ads and radio were still talking about it. But this is where I have chosen to live.

So still Happy Christmas.