If you want to kiss the sky, learn to fly.
Idiot B climbed aboard the plane and out of London’s freezing rain….”No more winter in this guy’s life” were his thoughts as an elderly woman sitting opposite crossed herself and clung tightly to the edge of her seat….when the man at the controls uttered the command to his co-pilot…… ROTATE ……………………
With gravity no longer his problem, if only for a little while, Idiot B settled into his first alcohol comfort of the day and considered his future…swapping weeping willow for palm tree, an end to tears, and surely leaving that sepia tinge of depression far behind.
Four hours later the view from his window on life was changing. The wine had smoothed away any remaining trepidation and an arid yet inviting landscape was mapped out below but coming ever closer as the plane circled upon its final descent, and his travelling companion once again crossed herself as terra firma re-introduced itself to their lives with the plane bumping and lurching along the runway as reverse thrust took over….
The heat hit immediately as he stepped into the late afternoon sunshine, “And this isn’t even summer” he smiled to himself….
To be continued……………………………