Tuesday, June 12

Cheap Shots

My camera was loaded, but I was taking cheap shots, mentally picking off the ebb and flow of a dull holidaying humanity, bland passing bland, soccer shirted and silly shorted, as they made their annual package promenade along destiny seafront.

Stallholders, novelty vendors and shopkeepers peddling their array of kiss me quick baubles, branded by this, that, or any other resort name. Pale northern European skins of pale northern Europeans were undergoing sizzle blister courtesy of an unaccustomed, broiling sun.

Stifling heat accompanied the afternoon’s cookery lesson, instruction that was presently being ignored, but would subsequently be paid for in pounds of peeling flesh, as portions of body attached themselves to monogrammed hotel bed spread, and that flu like nausea crashed in waves over fallen victims, sunstroke stricken.

I lay shaded in waiting, ready to pounce on the jingle announcement of that all important phone call to come, next piece of writing work, or next photo, that might, just might keep the wolf away from my door until at least another day, affording comforts crumb. But the feel of flaccid note, or hard coin currency was currently avoiding any pocket relationship, and no such union was visible on the financial horizon. For sure, grabbing hands were outstretched for their cut of my society debt, clawing at the hoped for alms but remaining emptily un-rewarded with major yet fruitless effort.

That call did not come…the carcass of my expectancy lay slumped in side street opportunity. Oh there was always interest aplenty, but the mention or even thought of euros scared away potential investors in this art.

They all wanted freebies, and how stupid was that?

………Ring – ring……….ring – ring ………….ring – ring…………

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...