Wednesday, January 23


I seem to have resurrected my relationship with Piedra Playa quite how I let it slide in the first place taking such a magical place for granted….well there can be no pleasing some Scots! I suppose fitting in running what has quickly become an all night bar and spending most of the day on God’s own beach left little time for sleep, and even with the relaxed El Cotillo life style these ageing bones still need to rest.

And I was sort of doing just that, sitting on the edge of the surf when I saw her coming toward me. The pain she was feeling as tangible as the tears on her face..

She sat down beside me.


I knew.

“Hello mate”

I definitely knew.

“You knew didn’t you?”

“I‘m the guy behind the bar, I know a lot of things.”

“So why did he dump me?”

“Well…………………there are things on his mind.”

Her bottom lip started to tremble, I really wanted to hold her to me and kiss it better, but I could do neither.

For I am the guy behind the bar…only the listening post.

“You can talk to me anytime, you know where to find me…you are one sweet girl….love will come back one day. There are a million guys out there, I know, I know, none of this helps just now, the only healer is time…you will just have to believe me.

For I am the guy behind the bar, I know a lot of things.

And I know nothing.

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...