Sunday, July 25

gracias a Efecto Mariposa......

La calle está vacía
hay lluvia en el cristal
la tarde es tan fría
y no te veo pasar
yo te espero y te espero
y desespero en tu ausencia

Quisiera tocarte
acercarme un poco más
pero se que estás tan lejos
al verte pasar
en tan sólo diez minutos
nuestra historia que empieza
se acaba...

Y si fuera capaz de mirarte
y decir lo que siento.
Si pudiera tenerte más tiempo
del tiempo que tengo.
Si pudiera seguir a mi lado
tan sólo un momento.
Si sólo fuera capaz
de romper el silencio
y detenerte en el tiempo.

batucada the Fuerteventura World Cup

Tuesday, July 13

untitled 2

stray dogs and detritus

I took a deserted bus into a deserted Puerto just around kick off time as many anticipated Spanish footballing victory…. and an ensuing verbena.

In the meantime it was almost eerily quiet.

Although some bars were busy, I suspect may of Puerto’s inhabitants were viewing at home, possibly a crisis measure.

I trawled around the streets, accompanied only by life’s detritus, a stray dog and a stray man pushing his home in a PADILLA trolley. If ever we think there are problems in our lives there is invariably someone worse off.

An Argentinean I know who runs a bar proclaimed esta noche somos rojos…I wonder what would have happened had the albicelestes made the final…and yes after my recent peregrinations around that part of the world I had been fingering a rather large Argentine flag in my possession…however my landlord bade me not hang it from the balcony.

Evidently at some point the Dutch manager publicly stated …his team were there to win not entertain… Sadly, the guys in orange team did neither, although were La Selección much better?

And so, I ended up standing at a hut that is a bar outside the church…the final whistle finalized proceedings and started the party …whisking me from sublime tranquillity to an almost electrical torment in one chaotic step …


Anyone for Brazil?

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...