Wednesday, January 25

not bland at all----inglés tampoco....

growing UP?.... without a licence........

Hello Innes,
Good to know it is colder there than here, but it was 12 degrees this morning, not tropical.
We are a bit full on the schedule at the moment, and to be honest a lot of our listeners said they couldn't quite understand what you were talking about when you were on before, so maybe it's not a good idea to have you back.
We were also a bit disappointed to hear that you had gone to QFM and not told us that was why you were leaving. So you found out the grass was not greener.....!
When I think back over the last 2 or 3 years, things have changed a lot on the radio. The music mix is a lot different now, people say they like what we are doing, and don't like much Spanish music. The Spaniards listen because they like English music! And without Mad Mik playing all the pop and gay stuff we have grown up a bit. Our listeners are very loyal, and we have few complaints, so must be doing it right.
Keep in touch, who knows what will happen next.

Thursday, January 5

A warm and sunny early January in Fuerteventura where mid winter had come and gone singing its solstice song…

Random Irish tourists were random around the swimming pool some playing reserve the sun bed, break the rules.

Puta rules.

Reading English rubbish journalism, struggling with the multi syllables, or what passed for today’s norm in syntax. All quantity, no quality …just tits and football.

A cynical wave crashed …almost dislodged the train of thought, but not quite.

“You’re not improving, you say you are but your not.” According to Doctor Jim..who was himself approaching the cul de sac of mental illness, the atrophy awarded to those of older age….

But he would have ignored me and focused on the barrister and spoiled daughter whom on the far side of the translucent square of water, were auditioning for a B channel Game show or so it seemed.


To be sure.      

random Spanish speakers...................

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...