Monday, May 18

b movie pt 4

Flag Counter

B MOVIE pt 4

The phone was heralding another task to perform, guarentee of grief, unwanted right now. Another collection to be collected, but another cash job, cash is king...well, or in line to the throne, at least.


Are you home yet? Shots of conversation fired…….hitting and missing…..a grazing ricochet of commands….


No good morning how are you? this caller did not like waiting, nor exchanging pleasantries, just usual scant instructions, in reality, orders, of course no clue as to the task awaiting, but then, this was part of the interest, as much of an incentive as the cash to be collected.

Get up to the office, quick as you like, be a bit presentable, you have some people waiting, cash people.

to be continued...just dont know when

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