Saturday, July 31

Watching too much TV


BBC seem to prioritize the Olympic Games rather than the planets current problems.

I do find it strange that the games have gone ahead at all as Tokyo is presently in a State Of Alarm.

Olympics - Donald Trump - Afghan Conflict – where is COVID on the chart of importance? Or is our favoured news channel guilty of influencing?

Oh here it comes, the COVID report, and its back to China with the search for answers, the search for blame?

Time to stop watching too much TV.

Wednesday, July 7

 This was pure theatre, with a 60,000 crowd at Wembley adding colour to the fight to face either England or Denmark in Sunday's final, the stadium splashed with the red of Spain at one end and the victorious blue of Italy at the other as crowds flocked back in ever bigger numbers after pandemic restrictions were lifted.  PURE THEATRE? Next stop operating theatre as restrictions are lifted?????

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...