Sunday, August 8

Exploring Saturday

 Saturday has come and gone with it the Charity Shield.

Me? I explored a little more around Fuencaliente, a neighbouring town, a wee bit bigger than a village, and was rewarded with some pleasing architecture, murals and in general , tidy streets. An authentic Spain?

As is my want, in a shop peddaling local artesan products, I asked the two ladiy helpers, if they spoke English, as EVERYBODY SPEAKS ENGLISH. Their bemused expressions were quite enough response....but they thought I was ENGLISH!!! or German or someone from a far off distant land.

I really have intended for some time now to research the island off the beaten tourist track, it is rewarding, and the locals friendly.

So a couple of purchases later, supporting palmeras whom need it the most, we bid adieu to Fuencaliente.

For now.




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