Friday, November 26

Rain and reality in Western Europe.

 According to news sources we are on yellow alert or was it orange? for excessive rainfall over the next few days, well the weather guy got that quite correct.

More rain in the last 24 hours than I have seen in maybe the 5 years since I arrived on this little rock in the Atlantic. 

So what to scribble about? 

Life is quiet here, although there are problems which thankfully I have managed to avoid, like the virus sweeping the world, which now seems going over the bits it missed the first time.

And a UK Prime Minister on the hustings talks about a children´s entertainer. (If you haven't heard about this shambles just google Peppa Pig)   

Back in the land of harsh reality, the video stream was I think from Picadilly Circus, a poorly rehearsed report offered by a talking scarf suggesting Britain or at least London, was getting back to normal. 

Although early morning GMT in the English capital, shops were indeed lighting up their pre-Christmas offerings, meanwhile hastening away a huddle of homeless people who had bivouaced over a steam source insisting on their right to warmth as festive decorations did not feel the cold.

So Boris, Christmas does not feel the cold. What about you?



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