Saturday, March 12

Weather versus Football

 The one remaining football fixture awaiting this Scottish guy´s scrutiny by camera was finally knocked on the head thanx to an inclement Saturday post meridian. Never quite sure if it is rain or simply cloud as we live quite high I believe 700 feet above sea level. Invariably once Mazo has been circumvented the weather changes to bright and sunny,,, but it all hinges on luck. I often consider that a mobile wardrobe arranged in the back seat would be in order, including, of course, umbrellas.

Pity really, a wee bit of fresh air never goes wrong, but here I will remain today, sleeping felines at my side, some snoring gently, reminding me that life still exists.

As I type, the teams will be running out of the pavilion, another ninety minutes of futbol base as it is called here...

I will stay dry, work a little on my poor Spanish, wondering how it can be improved, any ideas? 

But wait, the King has arrived, live on local TV, and he didn't tell me! Along with his consort, going to celebrate mass, along with a press stampede. Oh well it´s not raining in the capital.

Friday, March 11

An Idea To End Putin´s War

 After due consideration, I propose this solution to end Putin's´war. Spend the huge amounts of money wasted to finance this horrible conflict, but only after NATO (anyone else will do) has bombed the S**T out of  Russia.

Always being of the opinion that politicians, and not ordinary people cause such conflicts, am still of that opinion, however when I hear some people are in favor of Putin...and they live here.

I start to wonder. 


Thursday, March 10

 A Short Story (Part one)

Thumbing the pages of a well worn directory, eyes tired and sore from the endless searching, referencing and correcting, not sure how much one person could suffer in an office hours day.

The endless drudgery was catching her unawares as the clock slowly ticked, ever slower it seemed to that sacred moment of freedom, when the beurocracy would lie in wait for another day, some times there was hope that day would not arrive, Every day be a weekend a Saturday or even better a Sunday watching the faithfull in their ever diminishing numbers, heading in the direction of the church bell.


But today escape from weekday torture was not available. Although 5 pm had come and subsequently slipped under the exit door.


Only dust and discomfort remained.

To be continued

Wednesday, March 9

Monster Putin

I wonder if criticizing the UK government, or the so-called West, in general, for in-action, is a treasonable offense? 

How long can Putin last? 

I suspect it could play out like a Bin Laden type search with the unsmiling monster found hiding down a wormhole cradling his fortune, as his beaten troops, or at least the individuals left with a pulse, join the search for their leader, and an opportunity to wreak their own revancha.

A monster Putin is, or at least according to reports verified and otherwise.

We can only hope he is caught sooner rather than later.


Friday, March 4

pay attention Putin

El presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, se ha mostrado hoy dispuesto a hablar directamente con Putin: "Si no quieres marcharte ahora, siéntate conmigo en la mesa de negociación", ha dicho en una nueva alocución. "Soy un vecino. No muerdo. Soy un hombre normal", ha insistido el presidente ucraniano.

Wednesday, March 2

 The Foreign Office website advises people against travel to the area and says: "If you travel to eastern Ukraine to fight, or to assist others engaged in the conflict, your activities may amount to offences against UK terrorism or other legislation and you could be prosecuted on your return to the UK."

So you get prosecuted if you fight AGAINST Putin, how does that even make sense?

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...