Saturday, March 12

Weather versus Football

 The one remaining football fixture awaiting this Scottish guy´s scrutiny by camera was finally knocked on the head thanx to an inclement Saturday post meridian. Never quite sure if it is rain or simply cloud as we live quite high I believe 700 feet above sea level. Invariably once Mazo has been circumvented the weather changes to bright and sunny,,, but it all hinges on luck. I often consider that a mobile wardrobe arranged in the back seat would be in order, including, of course, umbrellas.

Pity really, a wee bit of fresh air never goes wrong, but here I will remain today, sleeping felines at my side, some snoring gently, reminding me that life still exists.

As I type, the teams will be running out of the pavilion, another ninety minutes of futbol base as it is called here...

I will stay dry, work a little on my poor Spanish, wondering how it can be improved, any ideas? 

But wait, the King has arrived, live on local TV, and he didn't tell me! Along with his consort, going to celebrate mass, along with a press stampede. Oh well it´s not raining in the capital.

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