Thursday, November 30

Found this site when wandering around the web ....

People Watching


  • A bit creepy?, simply waiting the return of the shopping machine who appears to be my life partner. My suggestion about window shopping has again, fallen on cloth ears.

It feels like a Tuesday and yes as if by clockwork there is what appears to be, a delivery of English, the boat has literaly come in albeit temporarily . With the singed skins and straw hats they appear to have brought own language, and are currently locked in discussion exactly which time line they presently inhabit.

It was mid day exactly 12 noon.

- Ma phone ses toooo or is that one, dunno we in spayn no? Ah fink we en spayn ma fon says it -

I felt strangely sad, almost guilty. 

Meanwhike across the square another couple younger, brown suggesting they were more acustomed to the sun played with their two young children, although a distance between the adults suggested a matrimonial difficulty.

The air between them was heavy, tangible sensation.

Another pair of visitors, portly and pink bemoaning the monster of  

imminent privateisation.

 – The just can do it, all those jobs – moaned the rotund gent- Dont 

worry, well 

have a meeting after the holidays.

Everyone has difficulty


Wednesday, November 29

the slippery slope of defeat


A country littered and limited by lies from political liars, a once great nation now comprised of individuals whom are supposed to lead and protect the masses.

Instead we have out of touch millionaires, sorry make that billionaires, dealing business with Russian empresarios, supposed enemies until the dollar is involved and our leaders become friends.

This forgotten apostrophe

the slippery slope of defeat

Saturday, November 25

Virus Alert

     why do individuals do it? I should of course have known better when I received a message at silly oclock in the morning as I thought I would be the only person fiddling with the keyboard. So people be aware of any strange unwanted wemail in your inbox or messenger .

Friday, November 24

Empty Words

here we are again ,,,should I say here we go again?

An attempt to keep this blog alive I chuck a link to Facebook, which seems to be taking over the internet.

Never mind, I shall continue  my attempts to recover my fan base. I find writing cathartic so who cares if no one is reading?

I suppose I do,

How are you all?


Thursday, November 23

4 am

Yes indeed it is 4 am, or as I type 4.47. The feline community attended to and back to sleep, or wandering off into the jungle, in the hunt for   another tasty bite.

So dear readers what of me? Living quietly and enjoying sun although  have to admit my tolerance for the golden orb is not what it used to be, in fact nothing is quite what it used to be. 

Exploring radio station options, and wasting time on Facebook.

Waiting for yet another hospital appointment, where strangers will fiddle with my insides whilst chatting about their plans for the weekend, I admit, it can be fun when the locals think I cannot understand the conversation going on above me in my drug induced state. 

So, dear reader, little to share, but I will share it with you,  


Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...