Sunday, June 30


Have I spelled it correctly? So the dust has settled after the Saturday offering the greatest music fest in the world.

Not for me I`m sorry to say.

We wonder where our children are in many cases out of control while a young female rapper spouts obscene gibberish.

But wait could it be me? My creaking bones reminding me that I am no longer young and thus my tastes in well just about everything have mellowed. 

Thursday, June 27

I suppose...

    I suppose that i have  become a little hacked off with the individual (S) whom bolloxed my FB page. Almost 2000 followers as I recall, but what is stranger I appear to have a new a new account which I can only access from another machine.

Not telling you which machine in case whoever is causing the damage does it again!!!!!´´

Boring I know.


Wednesday, June 26

all on my own

All on my own? not quite yet. A partner leaves on her annual child minding mission but surprise, a daughter is about to visit for a few days on her way to New York.

A culture shock in the making, and an expensive one at that. Manhatten does not come cheap, 

More details on their way.



Sunday, June 23

the longest day

 The longest day has come and gone. Here in La Palma we endure a mix of micro climate. Endure is not really the right word, we have no extremes of weather....I just like to complain

Not much to type so I just surf the web and pretend to know what I am doing. In few days time the life partner will go to her native land, but wait!! a daughter is coming in from New York. 

see how that goes. The bright lights of the big apple to the total tranquil of Tigalate...

Report to follow.


Beret - Aún me amas (Lyric Video Oficial)


Saturday, June 8

Friday, June 7

now here is the thing

even if wanted to,,,,there appears to be no land line connection on this lap top computer...well I never...

I dont normally ask but....

I don´t normally ask for help or favour being independent as I am however.....trying to find out more about the internet exactly how to become more visible, Not the FB visible that still remains f**ked  thanx to whomsoever has done that and I promise your day will come, but create this BLOG and people on searching will find it. At the moment it seems I still have to send a link, Is it just using key words and letters? Any help is and will be much appreciated.   -

Tuesday, June 4

Same old same old-

Celtic versus Rangers in the Scottish Cup Final, 1500 Hampden Park Glasgow. Has a ring of certainty around it., don't you think?

Box office thinking, when 60,000 individuals will pack, (pack?) the remodeled home of Scottish football.

I have been in the grand old stadium accompanied by over 100,000, and never quite understood why, the faithful arrived in such numbers when a domestic offering attracted far fewer numbers.

TV has to take the blame, or perhaps the sharp suited executives whom appear grinning at the afore mentioned event.

I have ceased caring have you?

Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...