Monday, August 17

it will do for me - La Isla Bonita


The sun continues to shine on La Palma, here in Canary island number 6 or should that be 7? Someone really should consider a better system of island identification, well consider Santa Cruz de La Palma, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, andnaturally La Palma is in the province of Tenerife..even the postal service gets confused. Gran Canaria, is in the province of, wait for it, Las Palmas, I think.

Around my easterly side of the chestnut shaped island which I call home there are a host of , well villages? San Simon is a typical example of maybe one house and a dog. OK perhaps some cats and a goat or so. So this is the countryside or campo if you prefer.

There are a couple of fair sized towns, the capital Santa Cruz has a couple of not so skyscrapers, as has Los Llanos on the sunny west , over the mountain and not so far away.

You can easily drive around in a day, stopping for lunch and dinner, not forgetting of course that most important meal of anyones day… breakfast.

Tourism? Oh yes tourism..mainly walking or senderismo if you prefer, as there are a whole network of trails and for the most part sign posted each with a story to tell.

If its kiss me quick karaoke...go to the neighbouring Tenerife, it may just be too quiet for you on La Isla Bonita.

But it will do for me.

Bon voyage...

Tuesday, August 11

a masquerade of happines


An evening of tranquillity, after a day of , well, hostility, with a scorching sun melting hearts and minds.

The wind seldom deserted its post, blowing almost constantly this way and that as if searching for a destination as yet undecided., playing assist to the burgeoning weed population of daises and dandelions.

Visiting tourism, easily identified by peeling skin and jingoism, stumbled across the cobbled streets searching for that bulls eye of authenticity, but missed, settling for second best in the giant screen world of karaoke autocue...

A masquerade of happiness.

Monday, August 3

Fulfillingness first finale

Stealing Stevie Wonder álbum titles and wondering about the spelling, as I am caught between tongues, my English is departing from the platform waving sad farewells , whilst the lingo of my adopted nation has yet to pull into the station


A bit like our erstwhile friendship …I use the term erstwhile as salty sadness blurs my tired visión.


Even the spell check is confused …almost every word underlined in red suggesting political incorrectness., or just wrong.


The former King of Spain has run away, maybe on the same departing transport as you, taking with hin his hidden milliaons while his country takes its place in the impoverished please help us queue.


How can the super rich do that? Oh I know quite easily, and without even a trembling bottom lip of guilt or remorse.

Thus nurse, the signal has been cleared for my train of thought to depart…

Toot toot

Sunday, August 2

El Virus

El miedo esta flotando en el aire, mano a mano con el virus, y a veces mientras yo esta sentando fuera, en la terraza disfrutando la tranquilidad del campo en la oscuridad de la noche, me imagino que puedo ver este peste, entregado con los cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis. Ojala que la armada de médicos y cientificos pronto puedan encontrar una vacuna contra la enfermedad de COV19 aunque, todavía no han logrado.

Mucho animo a todo el equipo de profesionales de la sanidad

Friday, July 24

Boris in Scotland

I detect some irony or is it just me? The BBC reporting another legal action brought by the former royals, because of pictures taken, whilst the article itself has foto and video content.As they evidently say in America, GOOD JOB.

Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...