Monday, August 3

Fulfillingness first finale

Stealing Stevie Wonder álbum titles and wondering about the spelling, as I am caught between tongues, my English is departing from the platform waving sad farewells , whilst the lingo of my adopted nation has yet to pull into the station


A bit like our erstwhile friendship …I use the term erstwhile as salty sadness blurs my tired visión.


Even the spell check is confused …almost every word underlined in red suggesting political incorrectness., or just wrong.


The former King of Spain has run away, maybe on the same departing transport as you, taking with hin his hidden milliaons while his country takes its place in the impoverished please help us queue.


How can the super rich do that? Oh I know quite easily, and without even a trembling bottom lip of guilt or remorse.

Thus nurse, the signal has been cleared for my train of thought to depart…

Toot toot

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