Saturday, January 20

Day 20

Day 20 of  2024....and as already alured to, nothing has changed. 

Countries are still bombing each other while sharp suited politicians seek solutions by dialogue. Endless meetings costing how much?

Another former big (ish) player, the First Minister of Scotland, has been caught out with a collection of lies involving her toothless Scottish Parliament. 

God bless Whatsupp. 

Nothing has changed.

Sunday, January 14

el escocés errante 1 - 0 stormy mother nature

 5.17 am....insomnia? I suppose. Too much caffine, maybe. 


Gives time to overthink the Sunday ahead.

The storm seems to have abated here in my mountain retreat with only some broken branches and little else as witness to what I thought was during gusts quite a severe attack by mother nature. But luck again on my side. But best not tempt fate.

So prepare the cameras and battle the perfectionism, looking for that shot capturing the action, the sum of the ingredients, effort, sweat, where you can almost hear. the ambience.

Images to follow.

Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...