Tuesday, April 16

keyboards and arroba

Well well well, lost in the battleground of tech, and not for the first time. Like being lost in space, and that space is over my head, totally.

at the moment I'm wrestling with this @ and a new keyboard....yes correct, el simbolo arroba the layout may be the same but the function are different.

I need help, clearly.


Sunday, April 14

Policemen whom carry guns

 As I struggle for subjects to entertain my followers, I could write about the heat and the flying pests that invite themselves into our homes, but that has been fully explored, so dear readers what about X pats in Spain and a lack of understanding not only in terms of culture and language but systems how it all works.

Here I offer you a little snippet of converation between an English 

gentleman and an agent of the Spanish police...police whom carry 


- Buenas tardes caballero, permiso de conducir por favor -

English please, I`m English!!

Ah Ok, thats not what I asked señor. At this point I have to admit the 

level broken english was better than I expected, indeed surprising.

Thus it continued. - Policeman - Do you have an NIE? (A unique 

identity number which Spanish people, and foreign nationals whom 

live in Spain must carry)

What is that ? I’m English

Yes, you said. Can I see your ...mmm….¿permiso de conducir?

- What is that ? - And so it went on. A sunburned individual from 

good old blighty and a policeman who carried a gun.

Just remember dear readers, if you are English, the whole world 

understands you. Because everyone speaks...mmm … English.

Or maybe not.

Wednesday, April 10

native American

A few days now since being released from what seems to becoming my second home, HOSPITAL HOTEL.  

I said the word HOSPITAL would be deleted from my vocabulary and thats the hope. But on reading through the report I was given on the day of release, it makes scary reading. Of course in Spanish but even then I have to research, and research some more.

On a lighter note, the main surgeon was I am quite convinced of Native America roots, I know there are many latinos escaping the likes of Cuba but Navaho or Sioux wealding the scalpel....how exciting. I may see him again when they undertake a final revision, should I ask him, maybe not.

Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...