I had alighted from my Sunday morning guagua, Pozos, and hopefully football bound, to discover the match had been put back to 12.30 thus I was far too early., when a terrible tourist twosome seized on this unfortunate Scot.
Can we follow you? Said the female Billy Bunter lookalike, all that was missing was a yarooooooooooo, which this Scot felt sure was just around the corner…
The temptation was of course to invite them on my odyssey toward the centre of the town...and you know how the next syntax exchange would go.
Female Billy Bunter “Where are you going?”
Scottish Guy “The bank, and then breakfast.”
FBB..”Yarrrrooooooo , you didn’t say that.”
SG “You didn’t ask”
FBB “Were lost now.”
SG “Never mind. The airports that way.”
Etc….But no, the tourists friend, that’s me. , or is that casualty magnet?
Question- Do the large serpent tattoos on my upper arms give away the fact that I am an English speaker? FBB opined in the positive.
While for my part I considered she to be German, or perhaps Austrian, such was the cut of her extra large, Lederhosen without the leder, shorts without the …short, blond pleated hair, national health specs …visual red herrings. Ugly, with silliness.
“We re from Bradford.” She offered a further conversational nugget ….huffing and puffing red faced, as we circumnavigated Pozos. Her partner keeping a safe distance behind what appeared to have frighteningly become a duo…..she and me ...eeeeekkk and I was concerned about street cred, although I may not have much, to be spotted with FBB would become street crud.
Ye Gods.
"Lucky you. Fuerteventura –Bradford- Fuerteventura …tough call. Anyway, the other side of the steps is the taquilla, sorry ticket office… I doubt if it will be open yet, it may not open at all. Have fun.”
FBB “Where are you going?”
SG “The bank, and then breakfast.”
Been here…………….
El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
Tuesday, December 1
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