Wednesday, June 3


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The sun goes in, the moon comes out to light our way. But which way would that be? A question to consider. Would you take my reckless path? Which curiously some erstwhile work mates are now suggesting it was maybe not such a bad idea, swapping London grime for wall to wall sun and beaches which dissapear into the horizon.

The cost of living? Maybe 50% of that in the English capital, although in fairness, capital city salary was a match and then some..probably still is. True, I have made a few errors here, expensive ones, the biggest culprits are often other ex- pats, or , wait for it, the local banks, whom promise investments which will give you worthwhile return, when in truth you are lucky if your origonal stake is returned.

Of course language is a problem, so TRY AND LEARN SOME, I have made it a favoured pass time, as of course time is on my hands if not my side, and I have found that local attitudes can change quickly if you can defend yourself using the local lexicon.

So has it been a good move? Packing up work as early as poss, and not just moving to the sun but taking time to circumnavigate that globe upon which we live, can never be a regret. Of course I had reasons, escaping someones obscene greed, is a good motive. The satisfaction on recieving a threatening email...only to reply well I´m in Mexico at the moment ( I really was) but good luck!!!

Clearly I wasn´t worth looking for, or was it perhaps the lawyer had run out of free legal aid? The phone with the international code 0044 stopped ringing after a while , the emails stopped...and I just keep on living a dream.

So can you... you will never get the time back.

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