Saturday, July 11

And then there was a plague.

And then there was a plague. Here on this small Spanish island we must wear masks in enclosed spaces and attempt to maintain a reasonable space between ourselves and other pilgrims sashaying on the cobbled historic streets of my adopted home. Sadly there are areas on the mainland which are suffering anew, accompanied by the usual recriminations of he said she said and the politics of any colour.

Complacency is the new enemy, with masks gloves and continual hand washing now the norm, the law in some countries, this new norm, and how long will we be required to hide behind a face covering. Many reject this imposition, including people with power and influence, remarkably conspiracy theories now fly in the wind keeping company with the virus.

But is it so remarkable? Horrendous yes, obscene absolutely, above all sad. While the reality is an almost impossible conundrum between lives and economics and not one politician has an answer.

Do you?

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