Saturday, August 22



Was it theft of intelect? Robbing a nation of individuality and subjecting the population to soap opera misery, like a drug, which once hooked it becomes almost impossible to break free, a very subtle intelectual theft.

Sadly there are many, it seems, believe this rubbish is real, to be discussed post mortem by checkout girls with little else to occupy the cerebral vacum of once promising minds.

Consider if you will, the likliehood of a conspiracy, a brain washing technique where the Rovers Return, or is it the Nags Head, becomes pivotal to existence.

Those whom subscribe to Red Top truth are similarly sucked in, being unable to think outside the propogana machines fostered, and propogated by governments of the priveledged.

We expect it in other countries but not in England. But it does happen, you just have not noticed.

Not in England.

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