Wednesday, September 2

The chaos arriving at you door tells us September is here.


Stating the obvious, I am aware, however just how aware are we with what is happening to our planet? The Boris Broadcastig Corporation tells us truth we can believe. Obviously.

Continuing conflicts in various corners of the globe, politicians fanning the flames, but why?

Initially I thought that the digital age where everyone and anyone can be a reporter would help clarity and avoid manipulation of the truth, I am no longer so sure.

Why is it that an incident on the street, any incident on any street, has passers by reaching for their mobile video phones? To TWEET? Rather than help...

What is wrong with you?

Where have the thinkers gone?

It appears that to be intelligent can attract jealousy, thus is it better we all remain dullards? Is this is herd immunity? (sic)

So many questions, no answers.

Wake me when its over..No, wait, don´t bother, I´m better of dreaming.

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