Monday, September 28

the corruption of untruths


Sitting in the semi dark, listening to the gusting wind, looking at mistakes, mine and those of others. Mistakes like renting instead of buying, thus making funds available to sample life in different hemispheres, on a number of trans world adventures, with maybe more to come.

A no brainer, evidently.

Wondering about greed, and where it takes us. A former footballer turned pundit signing a BBC contract worth almost 2 million a year, while the government abolishes free TV licences for those whom need it most. Can that even be true? Living away from greedy for 14 years I must rely on the media which in itself is polluted with the corruption of untruths.

Depending of course on your political leanings, and the truth you believe.

Speaking of which, how do you rate Boris and his Broadcasting Corporation? A powerpoint equation now swamped with COVID 19 problemitas and not just the illness, but economy and now of education. I suspect he is sinking in his personal mire, although like all good Tories his money and his moneyed pals will pull him out of the mess he´s made.

Although I doubt if he cares, despite his platitudes, just another greedy person.

Maybe the gusting wind will blow away my doubts, and even my no brainer opinions.

Maybe not.

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