Friday, September 18



I have been saddened by an opinion.

Evidently I´m a snob, or rather the way I write, attempting to use my mother tongue eloquently, using multi syllables to describe what I see, feel, and where I am.

This annoys.

And worse is to come as I now stumble around a second language, oh no!!!

Reminds me of my brush with comprehensive education, where during the first years of secondary school, academic and non academic children were all in one classroom where alumnos, destined for no more than milk runs or manual labour Oooops there it is again.often held back the young minds whom were going to do more with their future existence.

Afraid to put your hand up to answer a question in class, I can still hear the hissing, whispered, threatening voices. -I´m gonna get you efter the bell, you´d better run- etc etc, elaborated of course with a variety of expletives.

So imagine my sadness when I discovered this kind of situation survives in adulthood, and worse, amongst intelligent and accomplished individuals.

The dullards don´t count.

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