Saturday, February 20

Tormenta cerebral


The wind has blown all day, the rain pouring down, we are on the edge of a storm, warning yellow according to the authorities…

Avisa amarilla

For once they are not wrong.

So winter has arrived, in La Palma. Interesting to see what the climate is doing on the west of our rock, a climate invariably kinder.

So tomorrow in El Paso, for a little while at least, colaborating with a local radio station, commenting on local football, the next step up in my language learning process which sometimes I think is a step up to far.

But with more confidence….who knows where it will go. I like to dream, think outside the box. A lot of people arrive here with lack of understanding, planning for some sort of future which is just simply put, out of reach. But they survive, without language nor understanding, whilst I struggle with la señora gramatica to what end?

Perhaps I have got it wrong

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