Wednesday, February 24

So that was Tuesday.


Getting a wee bit late here in the Spanish countryside, a Tuesday spent mostly my little office trying to escape complaining cats..sorting through archived photographs listening to a world variety of radio stations.

Listening for inspiration.

Thinking about a Glasgow based broadcaster, casting back to the advent of FM and live all night programming, yes with presenters. Made my solitary night shifts in the middle of nowhere junction a wee bit easier. Now, curiously, many use robojuke or some such auto system at any time of day. Removes the humanity.

I often wonder why that is. People want paid I guess, do computers really care?

Now, from my native county in Scotland, there are a host of stations, mostly, but not all, internet only outfits with crystal clear reception, which you can broadcast and recieve from any corner of our twirling orb. DAB radio is in my car, well waiting just around the next corner, although this little island is strugglng to keep up with modern tech. Like anything new you have just purchased, out of date and obsolete, immediately.

Thus FM is on a deathbed of unforgiving technology.

What comes after the internet?

Do you know? Answers in time for my Wednesday rant.

Please. Meantime may I bid you goodnight.

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