Only 72.50 a get onto Princess Street in Edinburgh
What a rip-off
El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
So forgive my lack of understanding but why can`t the politicians do their job and meet and talk with meaningfull dialogue?
And stop the war (s)
So we stumble through the wreckage of what was Christmas and consider as usual the stereotype image of Scotland and its population. Bagpipes, kilts and whisky are the usual, but why Scotland? Watching a trailer for bringing in the bells some researching told me that the protagonists although Scottish all live in London. And the trailer? goodness knows where it was recorded.
But Im just being cynical, this time next week all will be back to normal, people killing each other for what? I always remember the lyric of a Genesis song,,,,50,000 men were sent to do the will of one..
Happy new year to all my readers. .
And so that was Christmas, well not exactly if you live in Spain. The real Spanish celebration is The Three Kings, in Britain it is Twelfth Night, so the kids go mad for another week.
I have to confess it confused me initially, when the TV ads and radio were still talking about it. But this is where I have chosen to live.
So still Happy Christmas.
Heard of it? Long Covid? Like having a bad cold which never leaves. Runny nose, sneezing, you get my drift.
It seems to come and go. at the moment it has retreated for, I suspect, reinforcements. Sadly, there seems to be little can be done apart from getting vaccinated, again and again.
A nurse friend told me I was lucky when I caught the virus, as fully vaccinated. Without the protection of the important jabs it could have killed me.It might have made some people happy.
However I´m still breathing to tell the tale, and the only virus problem I have just now is on my computer.
Stay safe people and Happy Christmas.
Sorry bloggers, I am running behind a wee bie behind. Driving license renewed but only for 5 years as I`m mayor de edad but never mind, at one point I thought the examiner was going to withdraw my carnet.
On a lighter note a stroll around the area of Cancajos was very pleasant, been before but never paid much attention to the crashing waves. If I can work out how, I will share some images. In the meantime happy blogging.
Driving licence renewal to-morrow. I don´t remember much about the last re-newal ten years ago...I recall driving a computor ....but more than that very little. It will cost me 60 or so euros I understand, more than that I cannot say. This car is starting to cost me....
Hacking and hackers are a pain in the ass. I thought by removing or rather uninstalling and opening a new account (we are talking FB here) it would solve the many problems a virus infected machine could have.
This is not so.
Although I seem to have unwittingly created a new FB account, I watched it close itself down.
Getting boring now.hacker
My intent is get rid of FB. So Mr or Mrs do your worst. As I will not be around to be another of your victim.
South London twin,
almost prim,Lo lamento señores pero todavía el virus esta dañando mi cuenta de Facebook, Messenger y quien sabe mas. No puedo subir fotos o texto, pero email si funciona y móvil 608362376. Pero más fácil mi blog a place for innes. Os esperare....
The system was telling me to create a new post is this AI taking over already?
Nothing to write about up here in the safety of the mountains...well apart from the weather . Can you believe it? hot and sunny , not just warm but hot that I had to evacuate from my nook.Just struggling with techy things, even this blog which I have resurrected and re - educating myself. a computer thing that I was using before FACEBOOK arrived...
Its a struggle I dont intend to lose
But wait, no summer is back, if a little breezy. From my safe mountain hideout I can see the white horses of the atlantic ocean sweeping too and fro, in and out awaiting perhaps the command of Neptune.
With December, comes Christmas although I still remember my first Christmas in these islands. After day 25 the celebrations continued with expectant faces of children still delivering mail to Father Christmas in box, this time a little more digital.
It was only in the next few days I learned the that the Spanish Christmas is in fact 6 January, the British 12 th night where we Brits dispense with the festivities for another year.
Another cultural lesson learned
Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...