Wednesday, February 7

Madness and Talcum powder

Another Tuesday and another quandry in the offing. The carnaval has begun, at least in the island capital, and with it will very soon bring Los Indianos...spelling? A day with an historical importance which I have yet to fully understand, but I believe with strong links to Cuba,

The main street, Calle Real becomes packed with revellers all dressed in white and for some reason showering talcum powder on each other. There are bands playing mostly traditional music, and yes I like the rythm (s) but packed in with talcum wealding strangers I dont need. 

I did attend one year, subsequent years were cancelled thanks to COVID and post plague I went but could not find a parking space even stretching to the outskirts of the capital. Bus services are augmented but similarly become packed and me? just want to take a picture or two.

Party pooper that I have become, as the day wears on alcohol starts to take its toll on the revelers, and I really do not want to be there,

Last years I took my neighbours, a Spanish couple but simply dropped them  amd their booze supply off before heading back to the countryside.

 So if I should go for a little while, and find a parking spot, look for the fotos on here....covered in talcum.

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