Tuesday, February 20

Summer not Summer

Summer has returned to Tigalate, and I suppose at my advancing years the simple things like enjoying natures warmth in mid-winter is a welcome bonus,, not to be taken for granted.

If any of my Oz relatives are following me on reading this, I am currently enjoying a tome by the late Leslie Thomas and an adventure which currently finds him in your part of the world. A perigrination which I enjoyed, apart from being very sea sick on a fishing trip, and I dont get sea sick?, what a foolish boast.

Still getting trouble with FB. Now despite my best efforts, I cannot uninstall this annoying feature. Oh and I seem to have a new account, which I cannot remember installing, and stranger yet, I can utilize it on my mobile but not it seems anywhere else.

And.....according to this version of FB, it was my birthday a couple of days ago....also incorrect and becoming tiresome. 

Please desist.


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